

Welcome to your Alma Mater!
The Narmada College of Management (NCM) has nurtured generations of young pupils on its pristine and sacred precincts. If you have been one of the privileged ones, then you have every reason to feel very proud as an alumnus of this renowned institution. NCM keeps evolving with time, shaping up with contemporary contours and taking in its stride the many opportunities and challenges that come its way. All the goodwill from around the world form its fraternity keeps the Institute standing tall on a pedestal of dignity and hope. Each one can contribute towards this phenomenal legacy and journey in unique ways…

The alumni contribute immensely to the development of the student community through regular interactions in the form of lecture series, mock interviews, soft skill interventions, and the like. They provide the quintessential industry interface to the students.

Connect with your alma mater, relive those memories! Come home to NCM!
