Institute Head

Institute Head

It has been a decade already since we – Industry and Institute, have been working together in the interest of students’ development. We take this opportunity, to once again acknowledge and thank you for having enabled our students either in terms of allowing them to do their summer training/ winter projects in your organization or selecting them to begin their professional career with your organization.

While I walk down the memory lane, I cherish, with a feeling of great satisfaction, many such moments which have indeed led to making a difference to the students’ lives ! And while I do so, I sense that there are still many more things that we can do together so that we not only nourish personality build- up of the students but essentially be sure that each one of our students is a sure choice of different industries and that industries who make this choice start getting returns – day one. Yes! It surely is important to feel that we have made the right decision! Therefore, while we present to you this data bank of students’ characteristics, achievements and dreams, we appeal to you and invite you for the following;

1. Addressing our students in relevant areas.

2. Act as a mentor to some.

3. Train them such that confidentially face job interviews and get selected in good organizations.

Times are changing and so are the demands of time. While we are doing our best to prepare for you the right young professionals, we also assure you that our students are more than eager to develop themselves so that they are your first choice!

We, at Narmada College of Management, WELCOME YOU. Select the students who are the best match for an organization as yours!

Dr. Trupti S. Almoula

