A three months certificate course from
Centre for Heritage of Intelligence Traditions of India (CHITI),
An Indic study and research centre of Narmada College Campus, Bharuch
“Our first necessity, if India is to survive and do her appointed work in the world, is that the youth of India should learn to think. This means to think on all subjects, to think independently, fruitfully, going to the heart of things, not stopped by their surface, free of prejudgments, shearing sophism and prejudice asunder as with a sharp sword, smiting down obscurantism of all kinds as with the mace of Bhima.”
-Sri Aurobindo
“The greatest danger for India is the loss of her spiritual integrity. Of all Indian problems the educational is the most difficult and most tragic.”
-Ananda Coomaraswamy
“Indian Culture is a living force. It absorbs alien elements when necessary but transmutes them into a new pattern of homogenous richness. It is, therefore, a tremendous force of power and beauty which made us what we are in the world today; and will make us what we want to be in the world of to-morrow.”
-Dr. K M Munshi, Founder of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
There are two unique and distinguishing characteristics of Indic Culture and Civilization. First, it is the only LIVING civilization in the modern world which still has a living connection to its past, and we do not have to visit museums to get a glimpse of its past life. Howsoever broken and wounded, it still survives in the ways of worship, rituals and ceremonies in the lives of ordinary people. Second, when anyone, anywhere in the world, faces the eternal questions of life, death, meaning and purpose of existence, and wants to experience the eternal truth embodied in life and living, in most cases they choose to come to India. There are numerous instances of rich and prosperous men and women leaving everything and coming to India and settling here in their attempts to get eternal peace and joy. Francis Lucille, quoting Osho, says that wherever in the world, people sit and discuss about Truth and the means of realizing it, that place is India.
In the present turbulent times, what really matters are the spirit, willingness and confidence of our youth for building a new India. This effort not only requires a deep thinking and reflection on all matters related to life and living but it is essential that we acquire a clear overview of ourselves and of our situation in the world of today, and evolve a consensus for understanding and restructuring the Indian reality which in essence is Dharma in its triple aspects of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram – Truth, Goodness and Beauty. It also requires an abiding faith in India’s people who have a rich and unbroken cultural heritage.
To make a small effort in this direction of understanding and interpreting the vast intellectual knowledge of our seers and sages, we offer a three months certificate course on Introduction to Indian Knowledge Systems
Context and Rationale:
In the present context, we have a knowledge culture where all the important theories and frameworks of thinking have been imported from the West and we merely ape or at best adapt these theories to suit our reality. Our structures of business, government, education and research have been built and are sustaining themselves on these frameworks. If the developed world opened its doors to all of us, a high proportion of our business, political and educated elite would perhaps themselves prefer to migrate to these supposedly prosperous and functioning areas of the world.
This has also resulted in a situation where most of us, either in education, business or policy making, just play act ritualistically standard foreign prescriptions to our local problems which have no meaningful relation to our reality and without a larger purpose for our benefit. In this process of imitation, so called development of our society, the innate talent, resources and skills of our people are being continuously eroded. There is not a single example of any nation becoming great and powerful by borrowing and imitating concepts, theories and organization structures from an alien knowledge tradition.
With the new education policy-NEP 2020 focusing on Indian Knowledge Systems and Intelligence Traditions of India, this course introduces the learners to the rich and varied knowledge traditions of India from antiquity to the present. This also helps the learner to know and understand their own systems and traditions which are imperative for any real development and progress. Also it helps the learner to think independently and originally with Indian frameworks and models for solving the problems of present day.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the Course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and understanding related to:
- Indian Knowledge Systems: Origin, Evolution and Ontological Approach
- Sanskrit Language and Literature
- Indian Knowledge Approaches- Time, Language, Environment, Management
- Sciences of Life and Mind
- Self Exploration and Self Knowledge for Personal Effectiveness
- Indian Knowledge System Torchbearers – Ancient and Modern
Course Outcomes:
For Students
- They will understand and appreciate the rich heritage that resides in our traditions
- Inculcate an understanding of the mind/voice dynamic and its function in Indian knowledge systems
- Learn to appreciate the need and importance of Sanskrit in getting to the roots of the philosophical concepts
- Being primed for practices that will prepare one for the inner-journey to discover the Self
For Teachers
- To improve mindfulness and more maturity leading to effective process of teaching
- Learn to integrate these teachings in their day to day living
- Learn to appreciate the origin and development of Indic thought and practices from ancient to current times
For Others
- Become familiar with Yoga psychology as a pathway to self-knowledge and transformation
- Being primed for practices that will prepare one for the inner-journey to discover the Self
- Personal effectiveness leading to their organizational effectiveness
Well-Researched Course Handout and Material related to IKS
Understanding of the history and evolution of Indian Intelligence Tradition
Application of this knowledge to relate to personal and institutional life
Resources (E-Books & Articles) on Indian Knowledge Systems
Links to video and audio lectures on IKS
A one day seminar on IKS at the end of the course with Experts
Introduction : Indian Knowledge Systems–(2+2 hrs)
Conception and Constitution of Knowledge in Indian Tradition, The Oral Tradition, Knowledge Maintenance and Renewal Mechanisms, Nature and Character of Knowledge, Models and Methods of Indian Knowledge Systems, Nature of Reality, Conception of Reality, Means of Knowledge of Reality –Uniqueness of Indian Ontology and Epistemology
Sanskrit Language and Literature -(2+2 hrs)
Sanskrit Language – Origins, Structure and Unique Characteristics of the Sanskrit Language, Sanskrit Metrics, Vak and Mantra in Sanskrit Language
Sanskrit Literature – Vedic, Epic, Pauranic, Concept of Shastra – Dharmashastra, Arthshastra, Natyashastra Smriti in Sanskrit Literature, Poetics and Aesthetics
Indian Knowledge Approaches-I (2+2 Hrs)
Time – Concept of Kala, Cycles of Time, Measurement of Time, Knowledge of Time – the Science of Light
Language – Philosophy of Word and Meaning, The Sphota Doctrine, Sadhu and Asadhu words, Levels of Speech, Silence as the eternal language
Indian Knowledge Approaches-II (2+2 Hrs)
Environment – Concept of Nature in Indian Tradition, Panchbhutas – Elements of Nature, Concept of Rta, Sacred Environment, Panchvati
Management – Indian conception of Economy and Management, Insights from Arthashastra, Management by Consciousness
Sciences of Life and Mind (2+2 Hrs)
The Science of Life – History and Basic Principles of Ayurveda, Prana, Ojas and Tejas, Health, Balance and Routine in Ayurveda
The Science of Mind – Origin, Nature and Evolution of Yoga, Types and Schools of Yoga, Yoga Darshana
Self Exploration and Self Knowledge – I (2+2 Hrs)
The Eternal Quest for Meaning – Introduction to Upanishads, Ontology and Epistemology in Upanishadic Texts, Message of the Upanishads
Katha Upanishad – The story of Nachiketa, Dialogue with Yama, Teaching of Yama to Nachiketa, Relevance for present times
Self Exploration and Self Knowledge – II (2+2 Hrs)
Bhagwad Geeta – The difficulty of being good, Setting and Background, The Path to Realization, Contemporary relevance of the text
The Secret of Eternal Happiness- Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, The Path to Freedom – Samadhi, Sadhana, Vibhuti and Kaivalya. Theory and Practice of Yogasutra
IKS Torchbearers (2+2 Hrs)
Ancient – Sankara, Nanak, Tulsi, Caitanya
Modern – Dayananda, Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, Ananda Coomaraswamy
Total : 32 hrs of interaction (Spread over 8 weekend classes on Saturday/Sunday)
- Eligibility: Anyone interested in the contents of the course.
- The minimum contribution for the course is Rs. 900/- for any student and alumni of Narmada College Campus, Rs. 1800/- for any teacher and Rs. 2700/- for others. Contribution once made is non refundable.
- Account name : Narmada College of Management, Account No. 13140200000037, Bank of Baroda, IFSC Code : BARB0GNFCOM
- The duration of this course is 8 weeks of teaching-learning with 32 contact hours, spread over a period of 3 months, from 16th October, 2021 to 2nd January, 2022
- Online classes will be held on Saturday/Sunday- 4 hrs per week. The last 15-20 minutes of the session will be for live interaction and question answers. Detailed session wise plan will be shared with the registered students.
- Classes will be conducted online via google meet. The participants will have to ensure the availability of proper device and internet connectivity for attending the classes.
- The online session recordings will be made available to the registered students of the course. Additional reading material in E-book format, power point presentations, developed for this course will be shared with the participants.
- The Evaluation will be based on attendance in the sessions, completion of a course project, group discussion and a final online examination at the end of the course.
- Digital Certificate from CHITI and Narmada College of Management will be provided to the students who have 80 % attendance and a qualifying score of 60% in projects and the final examination.
- Link for Registration of the course will be available soon for the second term.
Dr. Subhash Yadav, Associate Professor, Narmada College of Management, will be the faculty for this course. Additional guest sessions by experts may be arranged for the students. For any clarifications/details please feel free to contact:
This certificate course is being offered from the Centre for Heritage of Intelligence Traditions of India (CHITI) an Indic study and research centre of Narmada College Campus. The centre is located on the banks of Maa Narmada, with a more than 300 year old banyan tree as its inspiration, in the building of Narmada College of Management, a constituent College of Narmada College Campus. The centre has a small library related to various aspects of Indian Knowledge Systems and Indian Civilization. Work on a Digital Library of articles, books and monographs on Indian Intelligence Traditions is in progress. A discussion cum counseling room is available for visitors and guests to get more information about Intelligence and Knowledge traditions of India.
We invite you to join us in this journey of self exploration and self discovery of our culture. We will keep you informed of the latest happenings and events conducted under this centre. Join us by filling this registration form.
Indian civilization is like an eternally old banyan tree, spreading its branches deep, far and wide all around the world. It is the oldest surviving tree in the garden of humanity, overlooking the millenniums and being a silent witness of all the seasons of world life. By being near it, knowing and understanding it, we also can experience a glimpse of the eternal within us, know and understand that part of us which is in time but also beyond time, which is in space but transcends space. Once known and understood, we become one with the eternal or sanatana within us.
CHITI, Narmada College of Management, Bharuch – Shukla Tirtha Road, P O Zadeshwar, Bharuch – 392011
Mobile : 94080 69039 (Dr. Subhash Yadav)
Email :