Discussion Forum: Patience
Discussion Forum: Patience

Discussion Forum: Patience

The Discussion Forum at NCM met on 1st December, 2023. The session was on the topic ‘Patience’.  The members present were Dr. P H Shah, Dr. Trupti Almoula, Dr. Chetna Makwana, Dr. Subhash Yadav, Prof. Iram Khan, Prof. Rakhi Thakkar, Prof. Rakesh Panchal and Prof. Vaishali Sheth.

The key takeaways from the session are as follows:

  • Patience is the ability to stay calm; it is the capacity of an individual to tolerate anything irritating without being annoyed or frustrated.
  • Nature teaches us to remain patient;
  • All good things take time.
  • With advancement of technology impatience has increased among people.
  • Effect of being impatient: increase in stress, it affects mental as well as physical wellbeing; spoils relationships and creates problems for others.
  • Patience is a skill that can be developed by practice.
  • Strategies for increasing patience are: being aware and watchful; distancing oneself from the source of annoyance; responding rather than reacting, meditation etc.
  • The strategies may vary as per the situations which we encounter in our life.



Strategy to be adopted


Habits and behavior of someone in the family or friends and relatives or at workplace etc.

Train your mind to be tolerant. Ignore/neglect such behaviors.

Life hardships

Traffic, standing in a long queue, noise pollution air pollution etc.

Accept the situation. When things are not in hand, one should be Patient.

Positive growth

Child’s education, professional growth, organisational growth etc.

Give enough time. There’s always an appropriate time for things to happen. All good things take time

  • Another way to categorize these situations is as follows:


Strategy to be adopted

Situations that are not in our hand

Be patient

Situations where we can do something

Do the rightful action at the right time


Act fast without losing your calm


  • The Uttarakhand Tunnel Rescue is a perfect example of patience; Patience keeps hope alive.
  • Thus patience is an important virtue and we should develop it.

The next discussion forum is scheduled on Thursday, 7th December, 2023. The topic is “Mindfulness”.


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